Update on UIA Work Search Requirements

work search


While Michigan’s requirement to search for work to remain eligible for unemployment benefits is currently suspended due to the pandemic, it will be reinstated as of May 30, 2021. For each week you claim unemployment benefits, you will be required to search for work and submit details of at least one work search activity per week.

Make sure you understand your responsibilities when it comes to conducting and documenting your work search to avoid mistakes which could result in you not receiving benefits or having to repay the benefits you receive.

  • You must actively search for work while you are claiming benefits
  • You must conduct at least one work search activity each week
  • You must report your work search activities at the time you certify for benefits. Your certification will not be complete, and benefits will not be paid until your work search activities have been reported to the UIA.


Work search activities include, but are not limited to:

  • applying for jobs in person or online,
  • attending job fairs
  • creating a profile or resume on a professional networking or job site
  • participate in online job search workshops or seminars

SEMCA Michigan Works! The way to work.

Schedule a virtual or in-person appointment to learn how we can help you with your work search activities.

When reporting your work search, you will need to give us specific details  such as:

  • the date of the work search activity
  • the name and address of the employer/organization/website
  • the name and date of the job fair or workshop you attended
  • the method of contact, such as online, in person, by email or by phone.

Keep a written record of your weekly Work Search Activities.

  • UIA can request to verify your work search activities at any point during your claim. If your activities are found to be incomplete or inaccurate, you may be ineligible and have to pay back benefits.
  • Save all confirmation emails or documentation to prove your work search activity.


Reporting your work search activities will be required for most claimants receiving unemployment benefits. If you have an approved waiver, the requirement is waived and you are not required to search for work. A person may be eligible for a waiver due to COVID-19 related reasons. More information on waivers will be forthcoming.

Work Search Waivers

There are some COVID-19 related reasons that the work search requirement may be waived. Claimants may apply for a waiver in MiWAM or by calling the UIA customer service line at 866.500.0017. You will be notified at the time of the request whether a waiver of the requirement is granted.

You may be eligible for a waiver if:

  • You are the parent of a child attending school remotely because the school is closed
  • You are unable to work because of allowable COVID-related reasons
  • You are self-employed and receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

More details to come

Visit the UIA website at michigan.gov/uia, check your email and your MiWAM account for more information about the work search requirement in the coming weeks

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